I am starting thinking of planning Russia next June / July BIG fish weeks 2018.
Season in Iceland coming to the end now on all rivers , salmon fishing gear now packet in the garage not to be unpacked until spring fishing starts in Scotland. I am already thinking of what to do in Russia next June / July , this is how I can see it…..
Kola river 2 – 9th June
Kola river 9 -16th June.
Kola river 16 – 23rd June.
Lower Yokanga Gremikha Camp 23 – 30th June or ….
Middle Yokanga Main Lodge 23 – 30th June.
Lower Yokanga Gremikha Camp 30th June – 7th July.
Fly home Iceland 7th July and stay home for a week.
Back to Russia for Middle Yokanga Main Lodge 14 – 21st July
Contact me if you want to join me fishing on some of this weeks , Arni arnibald@lax-a.is Mobile +354 898 3601
Big Salmon in Russia 2018 ….