We are booking Greenland now for 2022 season , here you experience the best Arctic Char fishing in the world , we have numerous pristine rivers and the most wonderful fishing camp you can dream of. Season is July , August and September. You can take 4 days Safari from Tuesday to Saturday or full 7 days Safari from Tuesday …
Trout Safari in Iceland ….
Fantastic Trout Safari week available 4 rods on river Sog Asgardur breat for the Trophy Arctic Char , Seatrout and Brown Trout in combination with the Monster Ice Age Trophy Brown Trout at Lake Thingvallavatn , prime week starting noon the 10th June until noon the 16th June , accommodation at the wonderful Asgardur Lodge , contact Arni at arnibald@lax-a.is …
Tungufljot ….
Tungufljot is in great shape and providing big fishes every single day….. we do have a few openings coming up in August , Arni arnibald@lax-.is
Big fish arrive at Stora Laxá ……
As usual there is some big tanks landed at Stóra Laxá Brian Eliason son just landed this beauty ! Arni arnibald@lax-a.is
Full week opening on Asgardur Sog …
All three rods on exclusive Asgardur river Sog came available just now for a full week 14 to 20th August , contact Arni at arnibald@lax-a.is Mobile +354 898 3601
New Iceland 2021 openings ….
Some great openings now available due to Covid cancellations. Asgardur river Sog 21 – 27th July , 3 rods. Stora Laxá beat 1 and 2 .. 3 – 6th August West Ranga 2 rods 25 – 28th July East Rangá 2 rods 5 – 8th August Possible to split this dates up and make nice combo Salmon Safari … Contact …
Iceland West Ranga openings 2021 …..
Iceland , West Ranga openings … 2 rods 5th July to the 10th July , 24th to 27th July 1 rod and 30th July to the 2nd August 4 rods , contact Arni at arnibald@lax-a.is Mobile +354 898 3601
Salmon fishing in Iceland , great opportunity ….
Here is fantastic combo that came available , river Blanda 27th to 30th June and river Nordura 30th June to 03rd July , both noon to noon , this is as good as it gets in Salmon fishing in Iceland. Contact Arni at arnibald@lax-a.is Mobile +354 898 3601
Iceland late season openings …..
Bookings in Iceland have never been as good as for this upcoming summer , there is hardly any fishing left in Iceland , anglers are as never before steaming in to Iceland to enjoy our rivers , but I found two excellent late season weeks available combination week on river Sog and river Tungufljot , both good late season rivers. …
Salmon season in Iceland have started …..
Salmon season is open in Iceland ! River Nordurá opened on the 4th June with 3 salmon landed on the opening day , Thvera river opened yesterday with 2 Salmon , by mid June most of the rivers in Iceland will open. After very cold spring I do not expect great fishing the first days of June but around 20th …