River Sog Asgardur trout beat……..

400 Arctic Char , brown trout and seatrout have been landed from river Sog Asgardur beat during the two months of April and May …. Arni arnibald@lax-a.is  Mobile +354 898 3601

Great openings at river Nordurá – Iceland 2021

Some great openings now available on one of Iceland top Salmon river … river Nordura. 30.06 -03.07, 06-09.07 , 12-15.07 , 15-18.07 , 27-30.07 , 02-05.08 Contact Arni for all information at arnibald@lax-a.is Mobile +354 898 3601

Trout Safari in Iceland 2022….

Fantastic Trout Safari May and June 2022. We are making amazing combo trout fishing trip 2022 , Sog Asgardur for the trophy Arctic Char , Brown Trout and Seatrout in a combination with the monster Ice Age Brown Trout of the Lake Thingvallavatn in the National Park. Accommodation in the best self catering lodge of Iceland at Sog Asgardur , …

12 – 18th July Salmon fishing in Iceland

Salmon fishing prime time in Iceland , nice combo week 12 – 18th July available with great accommodation and excellent guides , river Tungufljot and river Asgardur Sog , contact Arni at arnibald@lax-a.is Mobile +354 898 3601

Big Laxá 2021 openings….

Big Laxá up north , the Queen of Icelandic Salmon rivers for over size trophy Salmon. There is few openings for next summer: 1st to 7th August, 7th August to 13th August , 28th August to 03rd September. Contact Arni at arnibald@lax-a.is Mobile +354 898 3601

Nordurá 2021

The amazing Nordura , there is still few rods available in June , July and August , contact Arni Bald at arnibald@lax-a.is Mobile +354 8983601

Stora Laxá 2021

Very nice mid summer fishing in Iceland , Salmon Safari for a week on the most wonderful Salmon river in Iceland the Stóra Laxá , beat 4 , 19th July to 21st July noon to noon , and Stora Laxá beat 1 and 2 from noon the 21st July to noon 25th July , up to max 4 rods , …

August Salmon Safari

August Salmon Safari in Iceland .. Stóra Laxá beat 4 , 19 – 21/8 , Stóra Laxa beat 3, 21 – 23/8 and Tungufljot 23 – 25/8 , all noon to noon , short drive between beats , late season is the best time on all this beats , available up to 4 rods , price is Eur: 3.490.- pr. …

Eruption in Iceland

Ongoing volcano eruption here in Iceland and getting bigger every day , now in three or four different places but close to each other , it is so close that I can see it at night from my home , pictures from mbl.is news