Ptarmigan season starting in Iceland ….

We are off now for the opening for the Ptarmigan shooting driving up west to remote areas , shooting starts tomorrow and it looks good! The season is 4 weekends .. last weekend of October and the first three weekends of November , we shoot 3 full days Friday , Saturday and Sunday. For information Contact Arni at

Iceland Leirvogsa river…..

The little Leirvogsa is just 15 minutes drive from Capital Reykjavik , the Leirvogsa Valley is very peaceful and beautiful , hard to understand the privacy so close to Reykjavik city. The 10 km long Leirvogsa is only fished with 2 rods , so many places to fish. It is a very delicate river and we use only light tackle …

Iceland , Blanda beat 3 …

Iceland , Blanda beat 3. Beat 3 on Blanda is some 15 km long and exclusive to 3 rods only , so there is plenty plenty of pools to fish , some pools have not been fished for weeks , specially the remote ones. Big river big fish .,. we use double handed rods 13 – 15 foot weight 8 …

One of Iceland best Salmon river , Nordura ….

Nordurá river Iceland , 2019 , 3 days available 27 – 30th July noon to noon , possible combo with another 3 days on other great Salmon river , contact Arni at

Stora Laxá Beat 4…..

Beat 4 on Stora Laxá …. is stunning beat , surrounded by canyons and mountains , nature that is impossible to describe so beautiful it is. It is 14 km long beat exclusive to 4 rods. Fly only and catch and release, floating line works best , Stora Laxá Salmon is very aggressive and the love to attack on the …

Stóra Laxa Iceland most beautiful Salmon river….

Stora Laxá beat 1 and 2. This beat is exclusive to 4 rods , lodge is self catering and is 4 bedrooms. Stora Laxá is known to be Icelands most beautiful Salmon river , it is fly only and catch and release. Best time is most often the month of July and September , season is from 30th June to …

Giant Trophy Brown Trout …

Giant Trophy Brown Trout at lake Thingvallavatn , prime time is May and June , contact Arni at

River Sog Asgardur beat …..

Iceland River Sog Asgardur beat. 6 km of exclusive fishing for 3 Salmon rods , there is a additional beat for 3 trout rods. Lady Stone and Asgardsbreidan pools is the best pools on the whole river. 20 named fishing pools and more un named pools. High class beautiful fishing lodge located on the riverbank overlooking the best pools , …

Best spring fishing in Iceland .. 2 slots available…

Iceland – Blanda beat 1 , this is the best beat in Iceland for the early springers , June is fantastic time to be on beat 1 , it is exclusive to only 4 rods , we have two excellant dates available , prime time 21 – 24th June noon to noon and 27 to 30th June noon to noon …