Back home in Iceland from Alta river in Norway , very very high water on the Alta river , the highest I have ever seen , made the fishing very hard , boat not holding the river well and very limited places to fish , we still managed to land 5 grilse and 1 proper Salmon in 2 days 1 …
Hofsa river north East Iceland …
Just arrived at the Hofsa river this afternoon with Bedel group from France , friends for more than 20 years , no fishing in the afternoon as Iceland against France in the football this afternoon , what a great game and team of France is unbeatable , they will win this game I am 100% sure , well done France …
Stora Laxa opening ….
Opening at Stora Laxa , the first 2 days of the season , total landed is 73 salmon from beat 1 and 2 , beat 3 and beat 4 , best opening ever , and fish are big almost all of the them 82 – 96 cm , and the biggest 102 cm , Arni
120 salmon in one day from the East Ranga …
More than 120 Salmon from East Ranga yesterday … and it is just the start of the season ! Arni
Alta river Norway …
My good friend Sir Edward Dashwood with his guest Christer at the Alta river with 47.5lbs from beat Lower Sierra , Arni
Stora Laxá beat 1 and 2 Opening …
Opening at beat 1 and 2 at Stora Laxá is going well , so nice to see the river in such a great shape with healthy big fish , we are now after 2 full days of fishing at 35 salmon , all released … big fat females , lots of spawning in the autumn , Arni
Stora Laxá beat 1 and 2 opening …
Good opening day at the Stora Laxa beat 1 and 2 , 22 salmon to day landed for three rods and many big ones , biggest 102 cm , there is number of big fish on the beat .. some great battles is lost for us against this big fish that the river have now …
Stora Laxá beat 4 ….
Beautiful 2 and half days of fishing coming to the end here at the opening at Stora Laxá beat 4 , 32 salmon landed to 2 rods , and big ones , this morning we fished only hitched flies and we landed 6 including a very big one from pool Tregur , there are some big fish in this river …
Good going at Stora Laxa beat 4 opening ….
Fishing is very good here at the opening on beat 4 at Stora Laxá , big fish in great shape , so far after 1 and half day of fishing we have landed 18 Salmon , all of them have been released , big females that will do a great job later in the autumn , picture is from Lower …
Opening at Stora Laxá beat 4.
Good times on the opening of Stora Laxá beat 4 , 6 salmon landed this morning and some big ones … Stora Laxa Dukes … Arni