East Ranga is doing very well , big fish in good numbers on the East Ranga this year , the biggest day of the season so far is 86 salmon in one day , that is great for East Ranga so early in the season ….. Arni arnibald@lax-a.is
Iceland – Opening of the river Sog , Asgardur beat.
River Sog Asgardur beat opening was yesterday afternoon , terrible rain and very uncomfortable , the 3 rods managed to land 7 salmon in the afternoon , 1 rod landed 5 salmon from the lower part of the big long Asgardsbreida and another two came from the Telephone pool, so very good start for Sog. Arni arnibald@lax-a.is
87 Salmon in 6 hours on the West Ranga , best opening ever!
Pictures from the opening this morning at the West Ranga , 87 fish … two winter salmon landed the first 6 hours to 11 rods , Mr. Olaf Furre from Norway landed to his own personal rod 32 Salmon in a 6 hours of fishing , that must me a all time record on any salmon river in the world …
The biggest one in Iceland so far …
The biggest Salmon this season so far landed in the Big Laxá up north , 104 cm long , in the picture is Ingólfur Bragason and Kristoffur Nielsen holding the fish , pool is Spegilflud , picture is from www.votnogveidi.is , Arni arnibald@lax-a.is
More openings on Icelandic Salmon rivers …. it is everywhere great!
More on openings on Icelandic Salmon rivers … Laxá in Asum opened yesterday with 12 Salmon landed , Haukadals river had 10 salmon landed the first day yesterday , river Hítara had amazing opening with 39 salmon landed yesterday and river Langá opened up yesterday with 16 Salmon landed including a 90 cm mail.
20 pounders on Blanda ….
Blanda is every day fishing so well , and the size of the fish is amazing on Icelandic standards … lots of 96 to over a 100cm salmon landed … and lost , genatic of big fish is coming every year stronger and stronger , 20+ pounders in Iceland is now coming common , here on the picture is Thorsteinn …
Nordura … rare openings now available ….
There are some couple of spots available now on the Nordura people that can not come Iceland now for private reasons , there is 1 rod available 30th June to 03rd July , and 1 rod available 03rd July to 06th July , and 4 rods 30th August to 02nd September , othervice Nordura is fully booked for 2016 , …
Opening on Iceland Salmon rivers continiues …
Blanda upper beats started as expected with big boom , beat 2 , 3 and 4 had amazing catches , more on that later to day when numbers is confirmed , Laxá in Kjos open yesterday with 13 Salmon landed the first day , 9 salmon yesterday of the opening of Straumfjardara river , Vatnsdalsa up north opened up yesterday …
Rushing home to Iceland from Russia ….
Now rushing home to Iceland from Russia , I had 2 weeks booked in Russia but now on my way home after a week of fishing , just to many things going on in Iceland , we are having the best spring fishing in the history and so many anglers arriving , I want to be in Iceland to experience …
Icelandic Salmon rivers doing well and fish are big …
Great openings on all the Icelandic Salmon rivers , and still some great rivers to be open in the next week , I think it have be the best opening ever on most rivers if not all of them , 2winter big Salmon is running in such a good numbers. Picture is from the Tungufljot river Faxi falls. Arni arnibald@lax-a.is