Salmon coming early on the Kola river Russia Kola Peninsula

They are already having good action and catching fish on the Kola river , conditions are great and river already getting close to summer levels  ,  next 2 weeks will be fantastic on the Kola river that is for sure , Arni

Salmon season started in Norway …

It looks like there is a reasonable start for Salmon fishing , I was told that in Gaulfossen at Gaula Norway they did well the first day 23 large salmon , Alta opening they landed some Salmon , here in Iceland every day fresh news on Salmon being seen all over the place , I guess our openings will be …

News from the Blanda river ….

The Salmon counter at the waterfalls at beat 1 Blanda was put down last Monday , the first 24 hours there where 27 salmon counted going through , upper beats .. beat 2. beat 3 and beat 4 will not open until 20th June , if keeps on going like this there will be Rock and roll up there on …

The new improved East Ranga lodge will be open in the next few days…

The East Ranga lodge will be open in the next few days .. after great great improvements that we have been working on all winter long , our carpenterGuðmundur Sigurbjörnsson and is crew have been doing such a great work! 🙂 …. this morning we where testing the breakfast buffet from cheff Björgvin … great treat!   Arni

Wilfried Striessnig on the river DEE

My good old friend from Austria Wilfried Striessnig caught this big beautiful Salmon from Lower Crathes / West Durris beat early May. I meet Wilfried first time in 1988 on the bank of Laxá in Kjos where we celebrated all time fishing record for the Kjos 3900 Salmon. Wilfriend then introduced me to the river DEE where we have been …

New webb site for West Rangá ….

What a beautiful new webb site from the West Ranga the leaseholders have made such a great work , congratulation Henrik Kassow Andersen and Jóhannes Hinriksson the new site address is here: take a look!!!  Arni

River Nordurá will be the first river in Iceland to open ….

The Nordura river will be the first river in Iceland to open for Salmon fishing this season , 4th of June will be the opening day ,  river Blanda will follow and open on the 5th June.  There have already been seen salmon on several rivers in Iceland like Laxá in Kjos ,  Nordurá and Thverá river  ,  I am …

DEE river report ,

From Ross Macdonald ,   We enjoyed a better week on the river, with 131 fish reported to the website. Sport has been well spread out from Ardoe on the bottom river, all the way up to Crathie. We are starting to see a few more sea trout in the catch, and it will soon be time for the river’s …