River Dee ….

River Dee , great experienced Dee angler Wilfried Striessnig fighting a big Springer and Robert Harper landing. I have been fishing with Wilfried and Robert on the Dee for 35 years. And a lot to come for me arriving on Dee on the 20th March and fishing off and one until middle of May , great times coming up it …

River Sog various beats …

River Sog is one of the nicest river in Iceland for Salmon fishing , here you will also experience the finest trout fishing for Brown Trout , Seatrout , Native Char and Searun Char. There are several beats on river Sog that you can fish in combination with in a week , the Asgardur beat , the Bildsfell beat , …

Greenland Info….

Greenland fishing pre trip information Introduction: Laxá operates luxorious camp in south Greenland or here to be excact: N60° 57’ 14.63’’ ; W046° 56’ 57.43’’ We offer both angling and hunting tours. Hotels & sights: We can help with booking hotels prior and after the trip to Greenland as well as any sightseeing you may want to add. Please take …

Geese shooting in Iceland 2022

2 great Geese shooting slots available prime time next autumn for up to 6 hunters , high volume shooting with experienced guides and great comfortable lodge. Openings for 8 to 11th October and 24 to 27th October. Contact Arni at arnibald@lax-a.is Mobile +354 898 3601

Iceland 2022

Our beautiful rivers of Iceland is waiting for you and so are we the Lax-a team so keen to work hard for you on your Icelandic Salmon Safari for next summer. Days are getting longer and longer and spring not to far away, plenty of snow and there will be plenty of water , next summer will be a good …

Greenland 2022….

Greenland openings for 2022. We have a excellent week for fresh big searun Arctic Char available the week 12th July noon to 19th July noon , prime time in Greenland , peak of the run for the bigger char. We have another week open where you can do a Safari both for Caribou and Arctic Char , week from noon …


River Kjarra , one of the top 3 days of the season just came available , noon 18th July to noon 21st July , we could build a nice Salmon Safari around this days on Kjarra , either 3 days before or 3 days after on another great Icelandic Salmon river , contact Arni arnibald@lax-a.is or Mobile +354 898 3601

Roebucks in Scotland ….

Roebuck hunting in Scotland. Roe Buck season starting soon , we do have some Roebucks available this spring and summer at the Royal Deeside. Excellent accommodation in Scottish Country Hotels , great guides , good riffles available and if you like fishing as well we can arrange Salmon fishing on the river DEE so you get as much out of …

Trout Safari in Iceland 2022

Trout Safari in Iceland 2022. We have a great opening on the Asgardur beat river Sog for Native and Sea run Arcic Char , Brown trout and Seatrout in combination with the monster Ice Age Brown Trout at Lake Thingvallavatn in the National park. The lodge is amazing comfortable located right on the river bank. Dates are 23rd May to …

Greenland 2022

Greenland Safari 2022 , we do have 4 rods open on a very good week at Lax-a Camp Greenland , dates are 12 – 19th July. This is the time when the big fresh Sea run Arctic Char is rushing up the rivers. Look up the YETI FILM My Mom Vala … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERjQ7hcVxus it explains the beauty of Greenland , …