Past days have been great in East Ranga, in whole there where 108 salmons caught yesterday and the past few days have had 75 to 100 plus salmons per day, the total number this year is 2.767 salmons. The salmon is bigger this year compared to last years, the one year salmon is bigger and there is alot more of …
Adventure in Stora Laxa
I headed up to Stora Laxa on Saturday with my friend and Lax-a guide Binni who knows the river well to meet up with my father, Arni and Gunni in Stora Laxa beat 4. This was the first time I fished beat 4, in the first minutes of casting I fell in love with the beat, the nature is breathtaking in …
Amazing days in Stora Laxa beat 1 and 2
The past days have just been amazing in the Stora Laxa beat 1 and 2. Yesterday 48 salmon were caught in one day on only 2 rods, there of 18 were caught on the morning shift. We also heard from anglers on beat 3 that were catching salmon. Today we heard from Arni Baldursson who was fishing Stora Laxa beat …
Most beautiful river in Iceland – Stora Laxa
The fishing in Stora Laxa has been good so far. Beat I and II have been fishing the best as previous summers but there have been caught 73 salmon there. Last weekends anglers caught 17 salmon there despite hard conditions in the wind. 70 salmon have been caught on beat III and 70 salmon on beat IV. Together 160 salmon …
East Ranga at over 1000 salmon!
East Ranga just reached the 1000 salmon wall yesterday morning! It was fisherman Paolo who landed salmon nr. 1000. The river currently stands at 1063 caught salmons. East Ranga has been fishing well this summer along with most other rivers in Iceland this year. The daily catch in the river has been about 55-75 salmon per day. There are still …
Happy fisherman at Stora Laxa beat 4
We heard from fishermen who where fishing in Stora Laxa beat 4 today and they where immensely happy. They had the second shift yesterday and the first shift today and fished with two rods. They caught eight salmons, the biggest salmon was 80 cm, and caught one 4 pound sea trout. One of the fisherman has good experience at Storu …
Fishing in Iceland; Svarta doing good
Good fishing trip for an angler fishing Svarta up north. He was fishing the beat Grundarsteinn and landed seven salmon and lost another three and all this in just an hour. After he headed to the beat Armot and there he landed another one and lost two. Its safe to say that this angler had a very good first shift. …
Fishing in Iceland, Blanda doing good
We heard from Þorsteinn guide at Blanda just now and he told us that fishing continues to flourish in this river up north. Blanda is just reaching 1400 salmon now and anglers are easily catching the day’s quota which is 50 salmon per day for four rods or about 12 salmon a day per rod. The prime time for next …
River Dee fishing report
LAST WEEK Having just returned from the wilds of Alaska pursuing sport with the Pacific species of Salmonids it was interesting to observe that their rivers were suffering from similar problems to our River Dee-a distinct lack of water due to a warm dry spell of weather-thankfully fishing was productive! With the Sepa river level gauges reading between 1 inch …
Stora Laxa news
Stora Laxa is now at 70 salmon this summer which is very good for this time of year since this river is known for being at its best in late summer. About 30 salmon have been landed at beat four and beat 1&2 have given similar numbers. Arni Bald was fishing beat four yesterday afternoon and caught three salmon. He …