Happy fisherman at Stora Laxa beat 4

We heard from fishermen who where fishing in Stora Laxa beat 4 today and they where immensely happy. They had the second shift yesterday and the first shift today and fished with two rods. They caught eight salmons, the biggest salmon was 80 cm, and caught one 4 pound sea trout.
One of the fisherman has good experience at Storu Laxa and said that the river is packed with salmon and mentioned the following spots; Sker, Holmahylur, Tregur, Hundstapi and Heimahylur.


The experienced fisherman also whent fishing from the 18th to the 19th of july and caught 5 salmons.
These are great news from Stora Laxa beat 4 and it´s going to be very exiting following how the river is going to treat the fisherman next days and weeks.