Terry Nab have been fishing with us for very long time and all over the world , now he just came back from Greenland … Hi Arni We returned from Greenland to Reykjavik early this morning (just past midnight).Greenland is spectacular as promised, and the fishing was fabulous. I did not realize just how hard the char there really do fight. I got into a hang of a tussle with a very nice char and it threw a right cross that resulted in this: I was literally forced by both my wife and your camp manager to sit out of the fishing for a day and rest. After sitting out for one day, I was able to resume fishing again and caught a lot more char. After the first day, I really was a lot more careful about handling the char before letting them go to avoid any more damage to my face. After this picture was taken, my other eye turned almost as black and blue as the eye in the picture. Not very nice looking for sure.
Tomorrow (Monday), I will be fishing the Korpa River for 1 day before heading for home Tuesday afternoon. We should arrive back at home sometime around midnight on Tuesday night.
By the way, I ended up catching 16 salmon (13 larger salmon from 10 to nearly 20 pounds and 3 nice grilse) and Susy caught 6 salmon (3 larger salmon and 3 grilse). She was really excited since she caught her first salmon on a small hitched tube and another one on a size 16 black frances, both larger salmon in the 14 to 18 pound size and both caught in the Svarta.
It has been a great trip so far, but we are both pretty well worn out and will be ready to go home on Tuesday.
Terry Nab in Greenland …